Since the function f has overlapped computation, thus @cache can store those parts to speed up.
class Solution:
def canPartition(self, A: List[int]) -> bool:
def f(curr,l,r):
if curr<0 or r<0:
return False
if curr==0:
return True
if curr>0:
return f(curr-A[r],l,r-1) or f(curr,l,r-1)
for i in range(len(A)):
if C%2==1:
return False
return f(target,0,len(A)-1)
Use memo:
checks if A[i] has been calculated.
stores the result of include A[i] and exclude A[i].
function canPartition(A: number[]): boolean {
let total = A.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0)
if (total % 2 === 1) return false
let target = total / 2
let memo = new Array(A.length).fill(0).map(_ => new Array(target + 1).fill(0))
return f(0, target)
function f(l, curr) {
if (curr == 0) return true
if (curr < 0 || l >= A.length) return false
if (curr > 0) {
if (memo[l][curr] !== 0) {
return memo[l][curr]
} else {
memo[l][curr] = f(l + 1, curr - A[l]) || f(l + 1, curr)
return memo[l][curr]
Unfortunately, python gets time limit exceeded.
class Solution:
def canPartition(self, A: List[int]) -> bool:
def f(curr, l):
if curr < 0 or l >= len(A):
return False
if curr == 0:
return True
if curr > 0:
if memo[l][target] != 0:
return memo[l][target]
memo[l][target] = f(curr - A[l], l + 1) or f(curr, l + 1)
return memo[l][target]
total = sum(A)
if total % 2 == 1:
return False
target = total // 2
memo = [[0] * (target + 1) for _ in range(len(A))]
return f(target, 0)
we can also use backtracking+memo
let log=console.log.bind(console)
function canPartition(A: number[]): boolean {
// for every item x in A, there is two possible, include x or not.
// it is like a tree
// to speed up, we need to build a memo and memo[i][j]
// means the result of reaching j given A[i]
let total=A.reduce((acc,curr)=>acc+curr,0)
if(total%2==1) return false
let target=total/2
let memo=new Array(A.length+5).fill(0).map(_=>new Array(target+5).fill(0))
return f(0,0)
function f(l, curr) {
if(curr==target) return true
if(l>=A.length||curr>target) return false
if(memo[l][curr]!==0) {
return memo[l][curr]
for(let i=l;i<A.length;i++){
if(f(i+1,curr+A[l]) || f(i+1,curr)){
// if decision at l+1 can reach a solution to partition,
// then current decision can reach too
return true
return false
let log=console.log.bind(console)
function canPartition(A: number[]): boolean {
// for every item x in A, there is two possible, include x or not.
// it is like a tree
// to speed up, we need to build a memo and memo[i][j]
// means the result of reaching j given A[i]
let total=A.reduce((acc,curr)=>acc+curr,0)
if(total%2==1) return false
let target=total/2
let memo=new Array(A.length+5).fill(0).map(_=>new Array(target+5).fill(0))
return f(0,0)
function f(l, curr) {
if(curr==target) return true
if(l>=A.length||curr>target) return false
if(memo[l][curr]!==0) {
return memo[l][curr]
return memo[l][curr]